pondělí 6. května 2013

One Click Away!

Another recent example that deserves attention is the fact that when children watch online cartoons can easily click on different video and watch whatever the specific website offers.
According to the article by Dailymail, a study, done by online security company Kaspersky, of 24, 000 school children showed that ‘’27 per cent of 7 to 11-year-olds and 41 per cent of 11 to 19-years-olds viewed 'hurtful or unpleasant' content, including scary videos, pictures and chain-mail, rude things and swearing, violent films or games”. From this study, we can clearly see that cartoons are not only dangerous because of its content, but also watching online cartoons might harm children, because of the openness of the internet.

I can support this article by my own experience; my brother loves to watch Pat and Mat on YouTuBe. I used to be fine about it, I thought that it is nice that I can play him video on the internet, it was obviously easy for me to do it like that. However, once I played one episode and left to different room. After a while I heard how he is laughing, so I went to see what is going on. I found out that he wanted to change the episode, so he clicked on different one that was dubbed into something awfully rude. In that moment, I have realized how dangerous this can be for small children.


Edwards, Ann. "Children Just a Few Clicks Away From Explicit Content When They Watch Cartoons Online." Mail Online. 6 Feb. 2013. Web. 6 May 2013. <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2274217/Children-just-clicks-away-explicit-content-watch-cartoons-online.html>.

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